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Bakone Consulting and Compliance services is a division of BOSMO, a holding company – Bosmo Holdings. Bosmo Holdings is primarily a sales and transactional facilitator in the mining and related sectors. Mining companies and communities around the mines often quarrel over right to land, local labour involvement, small business development and royalties, amongst other things.
government’s land restitution initiative
The government’s land restitution initiative and the B-BBEE aligned mining charter have brought some hope, and of course excitement amongst the previously marginalized black communities. These new developments have seen an increase in the number of land claims lodged with the government’s department of agriculture and rural development. communities around mines becoming more and more involved in the development of so-called SLPs (Social Labour Plans) - a collection of promises and undertakings the mines make to the communities and government respectively, as part of their application for mining rights.

Land Claimants
Most land claimants however find themselves struggling to put together a valid claim. Those who had their land restored often fail to keep the resultant entity compliant and/or become embroiled in disputes for control over the acquired land and access to restitution grants. Equally, consultation processes between mines and the communities leading up to the compilation and adoption of the SLPs are often chaotic. As transactional facilitators in the sale of mines, we often find ourselves entangled in such disputes. It is a case of intervene to try salvage the deal, or do nothing and risk losing the deal. After several successful interventions, we found ourselves inundated with calls for help from both land claim and mining communities around the country. This is when we decided to conceptualize “consulting and compliance” as a critical service to mining and land claim communities. And this is how Bakone Consulting and Compliance services came into being, specifically to address the need as afore-said.

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